Dear all, Welcome to the page of Annal Jyoti Boarding School. The school has its name from the Sanskrit language, Annal means fire and Jyoti means rays. So, literally Annal Jyoti means Fire Rays.
Annal Jyoti School (AJS) is a registered secondary school located in Lalitpur, Nepal for students age ranging from 3 years to 18 years. AJS is a co-educational institute which has always surpassed the national average with its 100% pass-rate and a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. It is a school with an amalgamation of competetent and decicated teachers, committed and creative pupils & qualitiative and integrated approach towards education.
REGD No. 6618/053/54
We are linked with:
Solihull Schoool, UK | Maliyadeva Model School, Srilanka | St. Mary's Christian School, India
Welcome to Annal Jyoti School
Message from Principal
Unique features
Different unique features we provide for our students so that they could cherish.
Different programs and activities conducted under the observation of the school authority.
Capturing and relieving the best moments of our school.
We are proud that different foundations, organizations are recongnizing us and have the awards for it.